
For those of you who probably noticed, Chapter 34 of Agent Chetiri is missing! I'll fix this issue soon, so keep an eye out for it. Thanks for your patience!


I love your writing and your style and was wondering if you'd like to join my high house rivalry on my new story The Collapse Of Us, the houses are...
          Nivirah (best known as the house of traitors- formal, loyal to a fault, no fear)
          Aculiac (The ruling house- cleaver, cunning, cruel)
          Wright (House of scholars)
          Temes (Agriculture, farmers- neutral and peaceful)
          Atkinsons (Law, order- neat, orderly, firm)
          Valeron (Architecture, art- creative, artistic, expressive)
          Hawthorn (Literature- outgoing, musical, acting)
          Night (Control over weather- serious, funny, personable)
          If you end up being interested please let me know, thanks.
          Lots of love,