
Hello, beauties! I would just like to stick my hand out and politely ask you to read my latest chapter of Saturn! I’m really proud of it and it’s quite long but I’m really wanting more feedback on the story. Could you do that for me please?


Hello, beauties! I would just like to stick my hand out and politely ask you to read my latest chapter of Saturn! I’m really proud of it and it’s quite long but I’m really wanting more feedback on the story. Could you do that for me please?


Hello, loyal followers!
          Okay, this school semester has been NUTS. So much homework, drama, adulting. It’s insane. But I can truly say that I’m about halfway done with this new chapter of Saturn. That doesn’t mean that it’ll be published soon, but stay tuned, because it will come. :)


Hey, you guys!
          I'm about to edit my first two chapters of Saturn because you will NOT stop talking about it. 
          Expect that to be published sometime during the week then the NEW Saturn chapter to be published next week.
          I'm gonna try and keep a schedule for myself with this, so wish me luck. :)


So, I've just realized something. I know now why I haven't been so inspired to finish Pleasures In Paradise or any chapter for that matter. I haven't talked to my best friends! I hadn't talked to them for like a month or so before recently and as soon as I started talking to them again, I start getting ideas for this coming chapter. See the correlation? Share some quality time with your best friends, it'll give you a whole new personal view on your current life! Wow, that was long. 


What's up, beautiful people! So, I'm discovering more into my writing persona and I want to try out something else new, short stories. With my own twist. There are 8 characters, 9 chapters. Each month, a new chapter will be released. New chapter, new character. Except for the last one, coming in January. I'll give you a hint about it and say "What happens on floor 300, stays on floor 300." That's all! Happy reading!