Hey guys, I know I haven't been very active on here, and I'm sorry I still don't have another update for y'all. I just wanted to say, these days I've been super swamped with homework, I'm super close to failing math, and my depression's been popping back up again. Winter break is in about a week as well, and I'll be on a 10 day vacation/break, but I'll try my best to finish the chapters I'm working on and start a new one as well. I know this is super frustrating for readers, it's happened to me too, where updates just never happen, but I'm going to try my very hardest to make it happen. Hope you forgive me! And have a happy winter break, or summer/spring/autumn, where ever you guys are.
Oh yeah, do me a favor and follow me on Instagram @sophl.12 ? Thanks! I'd love to keep in touch with readers! Love you guys!
And for now, annyeong, until 01.01.18 (the start of a new year!)