Hello I'm Amamion 
Why do I like the villain?
Jim Moriarty hi :)
  • RegistriertMay 11, 2021

Geschichten von dermer123
התיקייה שלי/my folder von dermer123
התיקייה שלי/my folder
סתם קטעים שאני כותבת על דברים. Just random paragraphs about stuff.
My (not so) wild dreams  von dermer123
My (not so) wild dreams
I suffer form nightmares and very weird dreams So I thought I could share it with all of you<3 Have fun~...
I can blame Halloween for that von dermer123
I can blame Halloween for that
This is a story I wrote when I was 12 and I found it actually not that bad for a 12 year old so I thought it...
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