
@WarriorPrincess66 Do you know anyone who would be willing to make one?


@destiny-stars Sadly, no. I did know one girl on here, but she hasn't been active in months. You just have to go to the Multimedia Club and look around, maybe even post a request thread. Here's one for example:
          	  #Item_315" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #Item_315</a>


@WarriorPrincess66 Do you know anyone who would be willing to make one?


@destiny-stars Sadly, no. I did know one girl on here, but she hasn't been active in months. You just have to go to the Multimedia Club and look around, maybe even post a request thread. Here's one for example:
            #Item_315" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #Item_315</a>


@destiny-stars Even the crappiest authors have covers on this site :) and I doubt you are one. And covers is one way to get discovered-most people wont click on a coverless book! Including me! (We so judge books by their covers on this site-theres even a wattpad app for rating book covers somewhere!) Most cover makers will have a fee anyway, be it a dedication, a follow or a comment on their story. Just saying-give it a try. You've nothing to lose...right? lol


I've noticed that you've begun to follow me...I dont know why, but thank you and you're awesome! 
          Btw, have you thought about adding covers to your books?


@destiny-stars Haha. You could always ask someone to make them for you. There are plenty of talented artists on this site. :) And there are websites where you can make your own pretty easily. (google fixes everything! haha)


I would add covers to my books if I a) had any artistic ability and b) if I had any artistic ability. :)