
          	it happens so often, i cannot even count. i'll be somewhere and think of something to put in a story and oh, there it goes. 
          	thank you ♥ she called me yesterday and we both agreed how stupid we were being and talked it out for honestly a few hours and things are better. :) food! love that stuff :) 


          it happens so often, i cannot even count. i'll be somewhere and think of something to put in a story and oh, there it goes. 
          thank you ♥ she called me yesterday and we both agreed how stupid we were being and talked it out for honestly a few hours and things are better. :) food! love that stuff :) 


          i have the memory span of a fly, if i don't write it down i will forget in .003 seconds.
          if she ever did pass... i cannot even imagine it. even if we never talk again, i will always still care for her. i wish i could go back and avoid all of this. i really hope we will make up. 


          ah, the art of having a million different emails. it is a skill, you know. can you even imagine remembering all of them? 
          thank you so much, but she actually didn't pass. i am sorry if i made it seem that way :( we haven't talked for days and when we did (last night) there was a huge argument and things got bad. but thank you for your kind thoughts ♥
          that really means so much to me - i cannot believe i have a fan! :o and oooh noooo, trust me. i won't write anything along those lines. ever. never. not in a million years. 


@destruct okay, weirdo. i want a million accounts but i don't have enough emails lol. i'm sorry. 
          i'll pray for you and her family. i'm sorry. death is tough. i just hope that you feel okay. i've dealt in my family so if you ever wanna pm me, feel free. i don't mind. 
          whatever you do i'll support you. because i'm an honest fan of your work and i'll be happy to read anything you post. well... almost anything. as long as it's not bad boy werewolf has an arranged marriage to the shy book nerd that's amazingly pretty but thinks she looks like a potato. 


          just call me weirdo girl with a million accounts. :p
          i tried again today to log in and it is still telling me that my information does not belong in their data base -.- 
          thank you ♥ i just lost my best friend of four years last night and things have been rough, but i am really hoping things will smooth over soon. i am thinking on continuing SD on here and starting another story :)