this message may be
@doesitmatter12345678 I've given you a million chances and you keep lying! I'm done with you, Justin. I kept on trusting you after you kept lying and kept lying. But this time you fucked with my friends too. You lied about who you were, you lied about your life, you lied about being in the fucking hospital. You said you were in the hospital when in reality you were fine. I was worried sick about you. I couldn't sleep for days. You made me fucking worried about you when you were fine. Why the fuck would you lie about that. You fucked with me. You fucked with my friends TWICE and ruined my relationship with 2 groups of people. I keep trusting you and you keep breaking that trust...You use to be my best friend. You were the only person I felt like I could be myself around and now I feel so alone. Now, just stay away from all my friends. If I find out you try to talk to anyone of them, I will personally find you.