
I cannot let go of my pseudonym'dracospells'...I just can't. It felt so natural. 


Writing used to be easy but it's been difficult to catch up. I been busy with online school for work and work ofc. I'm currently struggling and is considering a cowriter to help out (and give credit to)


@dracospells I don't think you're lazy. It's hard to manage everything you have to do in life. 


@Knightstar192227 I'm trying to all the time but it's a massive struggle (or it's cause I'm lazy)


@dracospells Yeah, adulting SUCKS!!!!! I hope you find time, and don't forget to take time for yourself. I will not lie and say it gets easier cause no... T_T


Just so you know, you can believe in God and be bisexual. Jesus loves you as a human, not by sin. He is so forgiving it's amazing. He waited for me for 13 and I am so enveloped by his love even though I make mistakes on the daily basis. 
          When time comes, I will love like Jesus did. A simple prayer will do. 
          Much love and God bless❤️


The biggest thing of being a Christian like myself is to love one another. And that's the biggest conflict to society — people lacking to love one another. It doesn't matter who are you or what you become. Creating enemies is rooted by fear and we cannot have that anymore. I strive to be a decent human being and be the most respectful as possible but if you get all petty with me for something I might've done on my end, maybe that's on you for letting fear overcast you and not seeing the colors of the world. 
          I'm trying not to imply fear onto anyone INTENTIONALLY but I want to preach the message from the Word of God (which I agree and disagree parts of it) it gives us an reminder that we all make mistakes and that we're human. 
          Please be a good person and be less petty of something that people may have done without you talking to them about it to attempt to move on. 
          If you don't want talk talk about and went on being resentful and bitter about that, shame on you! The one on the other hand is trying to make amends and you're being bitter hearted. 
          Happy Sunday and God Bless.


@Simp_Dutchess69 Lucifer has a special place in hell for the people who wronged you on a deeper level. 


@dracospells exactly how I'm trying to be, I am in the process of forgiving people right now, not for them but for myself so I don't feel like I'm carrying so much on my back. I'll still see those MFs in hell when I get there but right now I need to forgive them so I can heal and sometimes that's what you got to do❤️