Part 1 Published.

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“Don’t do anything stupid till I get back.” You giggled and leaned on his shoulder. “How can I? Your taking all the stupid with you.” He laughed and leaned his head on yours, you leaned back on the tree. You stared at the sun shining through the branches and shined onto his face, how the light danced on his eyelashes and glittered on his eyes, leaving more glimmers of love in your heart. “You really don’t know when you’ll be back?” “No clue, at most an few weeks.” “What am I going to do with out you?” You sighed and snuggled into his shoulder. “Miss me-“ “I know.” You said sadly. “Doll, it’s going to be ok.” He grabbed your hand tighter, and Steve ran towards the giant low set tree. “Hey tiny.” You said playing. Steve nervously peeped out, “H-hi y/n.” “What is going on Steve?” Bucky asked confused. “We leave now.” “What?” You said shocked. “Shit.” You said looking at you, “I’ll be ok.” You gave him a soft smile, “go do what you do best sergeant.” “Ok- uh, bye doll.” He kissed you, and you watched him and Steve run back to the barracks, before he went in the main tent, he looked back at you and you could barley make out a small smile and see a small wave, you held back tears and smiled, letting out a deep breath, “he’ll be back soon.” You told yourself, “I love you.” You whispered. That’s the next part, tell me what you think!

“Y/N!” Steve called from the other room, “In here!” “Ok, I’ll be in here.” He poked his head in and pointed into the living room. “Ok.” You said turning your head back towards the window. “Where was I?” You muttered to yourself looking at the cars driving below, you shut your eyes trying to bring you back to the good old days, the best memories. Then you leaned back onto the wall, still clutching onto your pillow. And the memories flooded back in. You took him by the hand and ran out of the tent, he ran behind you as you plowed through into the forests, “y/n, slow down!” Bucky called from behind you. You stopped once you got to the biggest tree in the woods, and he almost slammed into you, but stopped himself and kissed you, “I told you to slow down.” He smiled as you two sat up in the tree. “Yeah, alright.” You said softly looking off into the distance, watching the camps. He took your hand, “doll?” You turned back to face him, he was easy on the eyes, his smile made you smile more. “Yes?”