I'm just an apatche helicopter [yeah, that's still relevant, right?] birthed from the depths of tumblr [that didn't crash like vine did, right? that's still around?] attempting to make it through life in a not-so-aesthetically [i spelled this right, right?]-pleasing world. bare with me. and i'll bare with you. rawr. 

Chicken Smoothie @ sleepy.
Wolfplaygame @ Dream Weaver
Instagram for whatever reason @ theflower_king___
Tumblr to look at crap @ your-rat-nosed-king
Twitter to look at p. much nothing @ theflower_king
I have nothing to do with my life.
  • -insertwittylocationhere. probs under a bush.-
  • Se ha unidoAugust 17, 2017


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evryhipuseristaken evryhipuseristaken Jun 07, 2019 11:27PM
Hey, to the legit 4 people that follow this account, I'm going to deactivate this user since I found the password to another account that I like better and was made before this one lmao. If you want...
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@every hip book title is taken. de evryhipuseristaken
@every hip book title is taken.
Hello. Welcome to my messed up book following a messed up life about a messed up person. I'm only an observer...
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