
I miss to write. Lot's of idea lingering on my minds. Just don't have a chance to properly write in. 


Hello people! Calling up all book-lovers, here's a fabulous way to warm up your new year.
          I am looking for people to participate in a large-scale book exchange. You can be anywhere in the world! All you have to do is buy your favorite book and send it to a stranger.  (I'll send their details through private message).
          You will receive around 36 books back (for your personal collection) to keep - they'll be favorite books from strangers around the world, which is pretty exciting.
          If you are interested in taking part, please comment below and I will send you all the details!
          Happy reading!  #BookLovers #FreeBooks #BookAddict


Hey.. the sacred date met again. Feb, 9th. It's the day I was born years ago. I'm very much grateful and thankful to both my parents for letting me indulge in their wonderful life. No words can describe how much their love for me. And for that, I love them the most. Happy birthday to me