Hellooo My nerds!
  • InscritJune 9, 2018

Dernier message
fantsyonly fantsyonly Oct 14, 2019 03:21PM
Hi guys, I forgot to post this earlier but I gave my account to my younger cousin a couple weeks ago so she’s writing all of my works instead of me. Thank you for understanding!
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Histoires par fantsyonly
Noli Timere (Harry Potter) par fantsyonly
Noli Timere (Harry Potter)
Either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives this is not about Harr...
My 31st Life and 80th Lie par fantsyonly
My 31st Life and 80th Lie
"I'm dead and yet you still make my heart beat fast" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ce...
ranking #293 dans la catégorie calder Voir tous les classements
Soul par fantsyonly
This is a compilation of poems that describe my life. It is sad for my life is not always happy. I do not liv...
ranking #692 dans la catégorie hardlife Voir tous les classements
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