
Is wattpad still the hype nowadays? 


okay, so how should I start this? so first of all, as you can tell by my inactiveness here in wattpad, i think it's quite clear that i haven't been on this site for MONTHS and im really sorry for that. i usually use my phone in using this website but the app suddeny got an update. it made the app crash everytime i opened it so i deleted it and the plan on downloading it back didnt appear until now that ive seen that i probably left a few hanging and im truly sorry for that!


I want to write a story that doesn't have too much pause unlike my past and deleted ones. That's why I haven't been posting any stories recently and updating a lot. But other than that, I have MANY story ideas popping in my head and just waiting to be turned into a good book, so don't worry! I'll try my best to finish them as early as possible to provide you guys a spankin' new story! :)