Am crying right now, i really don't get this open but hope i can count on you guys, am going through emotional issues, some being caused because of giving too much of expectation to people you love, i don't think love is fair, or am i being weak or may be stupid?? I feel stressed and alone, my phone is the only thing giving me company of which it kills me to know its only a garget that don't hold my answers. I want to give up
@fideswb thanks for taking your time to encourage me, it took me a while to reply coz i didn't have the exact words to thank you, you have made me realise it takes a special person to see the speciality of another, you are a God sent thanks alot
@fideswb you don't have to give up... I can relate to your experience... sometimes I give too much and end up getting hurt the most... but...it made me strong... some say I became heartless but NO!!! I just realized that I should matter first before some people.. coz not everyone deserves what I give them... and you're not being weak or stupid... you're just so caring and loving but to the wrong people... and feeling alone: sometimes we need to feel alone to get to know that we deserve better ❣️ Don't let your loneliness get the better of you... get a good book and read... Take a strall through the park...watch the moonlight... breathe in.. listen to music...watch some YouTube videos..cry if you have to... you'll get stong at the end of it all