Hiya Everybody!
It's been about 6 months since I last visited this app and I owe ya'll an explanation.
This just started out as a platform to share my story and develop my writing. Through that, I found many competitions being hosted and decided to take part. Mh experience was simply wonderful and I wanted to give more people the joy of experiencing it, thus, I decided to start my own contest.
Exam season was right ahead but I was far too. deep in to stop the contest, so I got a partner to help me out. I am extremely grateful for her help.
However, the pressure of my offline life was too much and I had to step away from the platform, leaving the contest solely to my managing partner.
I may or may not disagree with the way she ran things but she did her best and I just want to tell everyone that she really deserves a round of applause.
Anyways, owing to that, I decided to come back to rekindle my live for writing and accomplishing my dream of starting this account in the first place. Hence, I have continued my stories.
Please check out my short story of less than 1500 words. With this short account I hope to engage those with a short attention span like myself effectively and hopefully hit you in the right spots.
I have also uploaded another chapter of my other story. I changed the writing style a bit and would really love some feedback.
Finally, thank you to everyone who joined the contest. I do hope to host one more, the way I want to, but it just won't be in the near future.
With love,