
So, wow, hey. It's been a long long time since I've written anything, and honestly I've been going through and trying to edit and rewrite things, but I cannot bring myself to write. It's like all my motivation is gone. It feels awful, Writing is something I have always genuinely enjoyed, I've always put my all into it, and it's dissapointing to see myself crumble in the way I am. I constantly tell myself I'm just in a phase, but it seems as if this phase is never ending. I used to be able to put my heart and soul into writing for the small audience I had built over the past two years. I can't do that anymore. So, after deleting a few of my incomplete stories, I'd like to give myself a fresh start, I'd like to clean out all my files of my past from my google drive (where I write) and start with a clean slate. I will most likely get rid of Acne. I don't know what this might do for me, but I would really like to try again. 
          	This time last year, I started writing the first installments of NOT and now, I'm falling out of love with writing, so, whatever happens to these stories, this account, my life, thanks for sticking around for two years and reading my dumb fanfics. 
          	hannah banana


So, wow, hey. It's been a long long time since I've written anything, and honestly I've been going through and trying to edit and rewrite things, but I cannot bring myself to write. It's like all my motivation is gone. It feels awful, Writing is something I have always genuinely enjoyed, I've always put my all into it, and it's dissapointing to see myself crumble in the way I am. I constantly tell myself I'm just in a phase, but it seems as if this phase is never ending. I used to be able to put my heart and soul into writing for the small audience I had built over the past two years. I can't do that anymore. So, after deleting a few of my incomplete stories, I'd like to give myself a fresh start, I'd like to clean out all my files of my past from my google drive (where I write) and start with a clean slate. I will most likely get rid of Acne. I don't know what this might do for me, but I would really like to try again. 
          This time last year, I started writing the first installments of NOT and now, I'm falling out of love with writing, so, whatever happens to these stories, this account, my life, thanks for sticking around for two years and reading my dumb fanfics. 
          hannah banana


honestly ive been gone for sO long and i feel awful about it but the coming months are soosososoososos busy like ive got cheer nationals this weekend then the next week is spring break and im going away on holiday then the week after that i have another cheer competition in myrtle beach (ill be gone another 5 days) then a few weekends later i have nationals again then the next month ill have banquets and tryouts then in june im seeing ed sizzle in concert (finally !!!!!) then i graduate in the end of june then july i work all month and go to warped then fricking august i see 5sos in concert and regsiter for highschool then fricking highschool. its all coming super fast and idk when ill be able to update like ive rlly been slacking w hw over cheer bc im on two teams n thats crazy and also my life is just getting so crazy and stressful i even had to quit my science project and do it on my own bc im just super busy ALL the time. so, i get off topic so easily but my point IS im putting acne and robbers on hold. im gonna finish in and the last book in that series then all august long i willl be writing i promise. the epilogue for cold will be posted in a few weeks as i still havent written it. thanks 4 stickin around ill talk to u later skater !!!!


HEYHEYHEY HOMIES im putting ALL my stories on hold until after xmas for 2 reasons: 1. family time and friend time bc thats what i value most so yeahh 2. im writing a cal xmas special fic starting tonight YAYA okay thats all details will be posted about the xmas special soon !!!


hi hi hi !! homies, im actually extremely disappointed in myselg bc im getting so behind in updates n stuff but not is close to 11K GUYS THANKS MATES UR ALL GR9!!!!!!1!1!1!!1 anyway i deleted my only calum story :-(((( which was called sex BUT I PROMISE IT WILL MAKE A REAPPEARANCE AFTER THE NOTINLOVE SERIES IS OVER. things in it will be very different but i promise yoy bc i ADORE the idea so much and i wanted to keep it but its just too much for me. ALSO, hike is gone bc i didnt like it WHATSOEVER and it was getting dumb. but pls keep reading robbers n acne n in n not and all that ilyasm bye bye bye


heyo homies n readers n such, not is SUPER close to 9k which is crazy. but for personal reasons, im not updating at all this weekend. trust me; i really want to write but for this past week i've received lots n lots of negative things elsewhere. lots n lots of death threats and i just want to focus on ME this weekend. im trying my best to remain positive through this but its very very hard. please understand that updating will be back to normal next week if not, the week after. i also didn't want my writing to reflect what's going on at the moment, most of my stories are at sort of happy points right now and im not so i didnt want to put negativity in. also, the next chapter of one of my stories is smut and im scared to write it bye bye bye love you allllll