Hiya! Thanks for adding Element Guardians to one of your reading lists! I really hope it's interesting enough for you to continue on to the sequel which is currently up and running with two chapters and a description! ^_^
Feel free to drop by and leave any comments or thoughts behind as I'd love to hear what you think! :)
~ Rim
@gatorking Of course! Just do the same as before and post the details in my discussion :)
@PwnedUMan Thank you so much :D and sure! Can you head over to my discussion aswell and post a request with the details! Just so I don't loose it or forget? :)
The link to my discussion: #Item_595" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.wattpad.com/forums/discussion/141078/laurss-book-cover-designs-: #Item_595</a>
@Laurss Hey I was wondering if you could make me a book cover for lumina. the setting is the future in a time of war and a young girl named lumina that has amazing powers i have seen your work and it is awesome plz respond.