
@qurikstan Hey, so how should I go with having All Might reveal his current condition to Max?




@jacob5395 Well, I'll contact you as soon as I'm all caught up on your story. See you later.


@jacob5395 okay anyway I'm gonna go let me know what you think of the story and what time should i
            I contact you?


@quirkstan So, I'm going to have Ben and Izuku meet Julie and Ochaco months before the Entrance Exam, so who do you think Ben and Izuku should meet first, Julie, or Ochaco?


@quirkstan Alright then. I was planning on having Julie meet them first, so yeah.


@greenwaldch Julie. Nothing against our favourite mochi-girl, but I personally like Julie more.


@quirkstan Since Izuku will have the Omnitrix, how do you think he'll start out with it?


@greenwaldch So, I HIGHLY suggest you have Ben and Inko address Izuku’s Imposter Syndrome early. His biggest threat won’t be Vilgax when he arrives, it will be himself.


@greenwaldch He continued on saying that Izuku is better at analysing others and thinking up new strategies for them rather than himself. 
            “Izuku is even less likely to think of bouncing off of surfaces to gain more momentum and get in numerous hits in a single go as Canonbolt Plus, if I’m being honest, Deku’s use of the aliens could actually be disastrous, since I could see him trying to copy Bakugou or Endeavour’s moves with Heatblast, and considering how destructive those techniques are, plus Heatblast’s fire being far hotter (again, Pyronite toddlers having temper tantrums equaling Supernova levels of heat, so imagine the raw level of heat from a Prime Pyronite that is about 15-16 years old if Deku got an Omnitrix) and Izuku lacking their control that came from years of practice to control such destructive power (or at least Endeavor’s control over his fire’s heat, since Bakugou’s control over his explosions in a fight comes later in the series), I could see there being a lot of problems caused because of it.”
            It’s harsh, but it’s the truth. Izuku’s lack of confidence through seasons 1-3 held him down significantly. The reason he copied All Might’s smashes so much up until he crafted “Shoot Style” was not because he wanted to be All Might, it’s because he wanted to be anybody other than himself. He always questioned his abilities and spent too much time thinking about the best approach to beat his opponents.  It’s a flaw he never overcame even at the end of the series. Just covered up.


@greenwaldch A guy in Ao3, Trickster1, said this in laymen’s terms:
            “ True. Admittedly, Deku is decent at working out powers, but he often doesn’t think of unique applications or do anything unique with them until something basically spells out “hey, this is something you can do” to him in some way. And even then, it’s usually in the form of taking something another character was doing and applying it to his set of skills, which isn’t bad in itself, yet would easily stop someone like Deku from using the powers of the aliens at their full potential, even if he had the Master Control.
            And what’s more, you can argue that the info dump only existed for Seasons 1 and 2 of Alien Force, given how before and after, Ben is usually forced to take time to learn the powers of his aliens or actually learn about them in a life and death situation. So regardless, if Azmuth was saying that Ben was using the watch in ways he never thought of, an Omnitrix Deku, especially one with the Info Dump, certainly isn’t think of this stuff either.”


@greenwaldch Since Ben isn’t going to be an All Might fanboy, he won’t be using any of All Might’s “Smashes”, correct?


@greenwaldch 10 minutes; for continuities sake. On off the things we Ben 10 fans loved(and hated) about the Original Series, was how Ben was on timer. It was one of the reasons why he was so creative and is why he works better under pressure, because he knows it would mean life or death if he didn’t make the right move. So, it’s a good idea to keep that aspect of the show.
            In canon, Izuku had a bad habit of overthinking; spending way too much time trying to be one step ahead of his enemy and finding the best approach possible. It’s not a bad thing trying to spot your enemies’ tells, but if you spend too much thinking, you’re giving them additional time to plot their next move and use your predictions against you. 
            Izuku’s quick thinking compensated for his overthinking, but there are times where he needs to just go with the flow and trust his instincts. Take into account of what he can do in the current moment, while still being able to see further into the future and create advantages of his own rather than letting them be made for him.
            This will also work on his creativity because to be honest, Izuku wasn’t all that creative when it comes to fighting. He was great when it comes to others but not when it applied to himself. Izuku will need to learn how to think outside of the box more often and be forced to make strategies on the fly. Adapting his fighting style and his aliens’ abilities in unconventional ways to best fit the situation in order to catch his opponents off-guard.
            As Izuku’s body slowly gets more and more used to transforming, you can have the Omnitrix’s AI increase his time limit as it senses how Izuku’s DNA is slowly, but gradually getting used to him transforming.


@quirkstan So, how long should Izuku's time limit be when he first has the Omnitrix, 10, or 15 minutes?


@quirkstan Should Ben receive One for All 2-3 months before the entrance exam, or on the day of the entrance exam like Izuku? I'm only asking since Ben is a little more athletic than Izuku is.


@quirkstan Wait a minute, if Ben gets One for All 2-3 months before the exam, does that mean he'll unlock full cowling before the entrance exam too?


@greenwaldch, I saw your story on
          Is that where you are going to be posting from now on?


@greenwaldch It’s perfect! It mixes both of our ideas while showing the bond between Ben and Max. Go for it.


@quirkstan Wait a minute, I got it! What do you think of this: Max figures out that All Might's planning on giving Ben his quirk, but chooses not to pressure Ben into telling him what's going on. However, the guilt that Ben has begins to eat him alive, and he decides to tell his grandpa, his cousin, and friends about One for All. But when Ben does, Max would probably say that he figured it out, but he didn't want to pressure him into telling him the truth. With that, they decide to modify the plan to include martial arts and weapons training. What do you think?


Are Izuku and Katsuki going to be friends again, just rivals or just acquaintances?


@greenwaldch I’m not saying Izuku should hate him or consider him a lost cause; if that’s what you’re thinking. He just needs to realise that there’s better company to find and that he kind spend time investing in a “friendship” with someone who takes more than he gives. He needs to know what’s the point of suffering needlessly when he knows there a those that won’t treat him the way he’s been treated. 
            It’s fine if he admires Katsuki’s tenacity and work ethic, but that can’t be all that he sees and needs to wonder if he really wants to be like him before his development: Someone who puts down those beneath in an endless pursuit to the top.


@quirkstan In that case, Izuku should learn that he can't respect someone who diminishes his own worth.


@quirkstan Katsuki has shown throughout seasons 1-3 that he only sought to tear Izuku down. He hated the fact that he got stronger and diminished his efforts. He acknowledged the fact that he shouldn’t have been surprised that Izuku passed the Provisonal Licensing Exam, but that was acknowledgement, not respect. It was more him praising “All Might’s” Quirk than Izuku’s. Izuku admiration for him is unhealthy and frankly delusional. He admits that he can’t stand how obnoxious Katsuki is, but his admiration overrides his judgement and fails to acknowledge that he shouldn’t respect someone who diminishes his worth. It was one thing for Katsuki to insult Izuku’s skills, but it’s another to insult his worth as a person.


Has Izuku ever used XLR8 and Grey Matter to finish his school work faster?


Sorry, I can’t talk right now. Schoolwork.


@quirkstan Why should Max figure out One for All on his own?


Hey everyone! Just a couple of things:
          First: I'll be changing the title of MHA: It's Hero Time (season 1) to MHA: It's Hero Time (Pilot), the alternate version will be the true season 1.
          Second: Updates on the story may be slower, since I'm back in college for my second semester. But rest assured, I won't abandon this fanfic!
          I hope that you're all having a good day, and see you all next time.