
Please Read... Your skin isn't paper so don't cut it. Your face isn't a mask so don't hide it. Your life isn't a movie so don't end it early. Please Share.


@IAmURSister I am a firm believer that everyone has purpose and no one should think of these terrible things. I am just trying to open people's eyes to show them that. 


@LittleBoyBlack I know I have no clue who you are, what you do, or anything about you but no matter where you have been, what you have done, or who you are ,nobody should go through that. You are one of a kind...don't ruin a beautiful one of a kind person.


@Oo_Future_Queen_oO I'm in the car with my dad crying because that is my life right now


I have no idea why you'd follow me since I'm the living embodiment of rat poison, but thanks!


My mission in life is to amuse.


Lol I have never related to anything more in my life. 


I'm toxic, leave a funny taste in your mouth, and after an interaction with me you feel like you're going to die.
            Just kidding, I'm not the living embodiment of rat poison. I just like to think I am.


Haiii! Thanks for the follow. My name is Jordan but you can call me Winter if you'd like. Im a proud angel for @We_Care and I'm the educational guardian shepard. Please go follow and read the books. We Care is a place where people who can't open up to people in reality can come and talk to any angel with whom they'd like to talk with. It can be for personal issues going on or just to talk! Thank you!