Hey there,
I'm not exactly sure if I have many readers of Falling For The Other One still active on here, but I thought it would be fair enough to let those who are still reading know that I am temporarily taking the story down.
When I first started writing the story, I had specific societal problems I wanted to tackle and turn it into a youth-oriented story, not necessarily all so serious. However, as I grew, maturity kicked in and I wanted the story to turn completely elsewhere. I'm facing a difficult writer's block and have been for the past few years, which I know is really unfair to my readers especially during the story's peak time. So with a heavy heart, I decided the story will be unpublished until I figure out how I can re-construct my story with its original plot and new ideas as well. I definitely will have it re-published, but again, it all depends on how long it takes me to figure my mind out.
Lots of Love,