
I made a Buzzfeed Quiz out of boredom last night so you should def go and take it!!!!


@hazdimple I got the long hair Harry!


Helloww, I just started reading your Harry styles imagines, and I read the 2 parts of " His Child" and it's was so GORGEOUS that I wanted a part 3 but I didn't found it and I was like, wait this idea is a MASTERPIECE why don't you write like a whole story about it, like you carry on after Y/n's and Harry's call and write like a flash back to when Harry broke up with her for this career and all and then you finish the flashback and at the morning you know she will get Olive or maybe stay at Anne's house idk, but you have to write a whole story about this! It's amazing I swear! Please let me know if you will or at least write a part 3! Have a good day / night