
been writing a lot more than i have in a long while, but not enough to get any projects off the ground. i have a terrible habit of ideas in flight — once i plot out a book, i get bored of the writing part, like i’ve already told the story. the unfortunate underside of that nasty habit is letting the alternative be not plotting, which leads to some pretty horrific creations. ammilpaw’s burden springs to mind. 
          	i have some ideas though. things i want to pursue quietly. i think maybe when i’ve written something in full i’ll start publishing again. i hate the image of myself i’ve created, where ill set up a book idea, publish two chapters, and then move onto the next. 
          	so i guess this is me quietly saying im writing again. right now it’s a toss up between what will emerge from it — a story about generational trauma sprouting from the best RP i’ve ever known, a story about forgiveness at a time when people need it the most, or one about the divine and how people are destroyed trying to reach it. it’s all in my noggin that’s been shuttering between freedom and writer’s block for years now. 
          	wish me luck <3
          	& if you want to talk or catch up, my dc is heretowyn
          	love yall 


this message may be offensive
@ohdaer it absolutely did man — i loved that fic but god i didn’t know how to plot for shit 


( @heretowyn ) ammilpaw's burden probably came from the backrooms


i’ve also been working on some pretty big non wc stuff as well — that’s kind of cool


been writing a lot more than i have in a long while, but not enough to get any projects off the ground. i have a terrible habit of ideas in flight — once i plot out a book, i get bored of the writing part, like i’ve already told the story. the unfortunate underside of that nasty habit is letting the alternative be not plotting, which leads to some pretty horrific creations. ammilpaw’s burden springs to mind. 
          i have some ideas though. things i want to pursue quietly. i think maybe when i’ve written something in full i’ll start publishing again. i hate the image of myself i’ve created, where ill set up a book idea, publish two chapters, and then move onto the next. 
          so i guess this is me quietly saying im writing again. right now it’s a toss up between what will emerge from it — a story about generational trauma sprouting from the best RP i’ve ever known, a story about forgiveness at a time when people need it the most, or one about the divine and how people are destroyed trying to reach it. it’s all in my noggin that’s been shuttering between freedom and writer’s block for years now. 
          wish me luck <3
          & if you want to talk or catch up, my dc is heretowyn
          love yall 


this message may be offensive
@ohdaer it absolutely did man — i loved that fic but god i didn’t know how to plot for shit 


( @heretowyn ) ammilpaw's burden probably came from the backrooms


i’ve also been working on some pretty big non wc stuff as well — that’s kind of cool


yall better watch yourselves before I turn this into a dnf stan account and blast heat waves from my 2004 Subaru


BRO IVE BEEN ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED i moved to A03 to start writing a royals AU of sleepy inc lmaoo


no WAY i log back onto wattpad for the first time in months and see that we’ve all collectively moved on from warrior cats to the dream smp


..4 more..


@wrendusk but I've only been 3 you've been 7


@QueenOfShittyPFPs wattpad has been clearing a lot of bots or inactive accounts lately and my acc has been around for years