

Kepikiran buat hiatus terus tutup akun. Kayak udah ga ada semangat lagi. Capek banget


it's on you kak, aku bakal tetep sama kakak ❤


@hwangsoul aku gak maksa keputusan kamu.. But I want to let you know that your story really meant something to me. When I got tired after a long road in my life I read one of your story as my serotonin. My medicine. Your story can be someone big impacts to their life without you knowing.. I want to say that, you can be tired and decided to go hiatus but please don't close this account with an amazing story in it. I hope you can get rid from your problem right now.. I hope that ur doing ur best, and be proud with ur own achievement that you can made me and some ppl out there smiles. I hope everything came out better.. I love you from here! ٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶


@ hwangsoul  pls jangan... Author wp yg masuk list author fav aku nanti berkurang... sayang bgt cerita kakak udh banyak, mana bagus2 juga, semangat terus yaaa ♥