
so my sister is in just shorts, bc you know, its hot as hell, and i just so happened to look at the back of her legs because from where im sitting, thats in my direct point of view. i saw these bruises on the backs of her upper thighs and was about ask what they were from until i realized that they were not bruises, but in fact, hickeys. from her boyfriend. and im honestly so disgusted rn even though i know theyve been dating for like 2 and a half years and its a completely normal thing for hormonal teenagers to do


so my sister is in just shorts, bc you know, its hot as hell, and i just so happened to look at the back of her legs because from where im sitting, thats in my direct point of view. i saw these bruises on the backs of her upper thighs and was about ask what they were from until i realized that they were not bruises, but in fact, hickeys. from her boyfriend. and im honestly so disgusted rn even though i know theyve been dating for like 2 and a half years and its a completely normal thing for hormonal teenagers to do


if anyone cares at all, i've been having a writers block and anything i get done, i feel like its not good/long enough to be published.


@hxnjxsxn emma and me and you and kara and gabby go to jupiter and die of super galactic tornadoes because that planet has big ones. The end. Your welcome.


okay so i write in a notebook in class sometimes and i take it with me to every class just incase its super boring. so one day, i decided i wanted to write a smut. and i did. it was yoonmin and in debating on posting it. today in art, my friend, ross, stole my notebook and whenever i wasnt looking would start looking through it. he didnt give it back to my before my next class, earth science, so idk what he did with it, but he gave it back to me before history and said he wants to read through it sometimes. 
          help im scared im gonna scar him


@LXTTLXGGXK  I would never show up to school again


anyone else want wide grey-ish blue eyes that are deeply set with dark bags underneath and dark eyelashes that are extremely visible and a skinny nose bridge with an almost bulbous tip with a septum ring pierced through it and freckles that cover your entire body and long, but still short, multicolour hair, and long skinny legs to match the long skinny arms you have and a small waist that accentuates your wide hips, big butt and small breasts, or is that just me? probs just me


I wish I did but I don’t, ya girls uglyyy


@LXTTLXGGXK i wish dude. . .but no im ugly lmao 


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          okay so lıke. ı dont get praısed. not saying thıs ın a narcıssıstıc (ıdk how to spell ıt) way, but no one ever tells me ı dıd a good job. ı mean, sometımes they do, but not most tımes. people only tell me when ı do things wrong so thats what ım used to. lıke if ı show people a drawıng, they dont gıve me the rıght feedback, or ıg the feedback ı want. they say "wow ı could never draw that," or "you draw better than ı can," and ıts lıke, no shıt sherlock, ıve been drawıng for lıke 7 years, perfectıng my skılls, you havent
          anyway, ım just a whıny baby bitch who doesnt get told they do a good job ever. ıts fıne 


first day of school today. i wanna kms. it was so bad. my anxiety was through the roof and i also currently have bright pink hair. i hated it. i was seperated from my friend the entire day. i was with one friend, but was stuck in a group with my ex's really close cousin. it was horribleeeee