wow it's been a year. sorry for basically not being alive loll. i'd just like to let all of you know that i will be restarting e v e r y t h i n g. since this whole quarantine thing is going on, i might actually be able to get some inspiration to write more stories and possibly complete some along the way. you guys are probably sick of all the constant apologies haha. but i swear i can only try to make it up to you and make better stories and actually complete them.
alongside that, i'd like to say that i hope that each and every one of you are safe and healthy, this pandemic has taken a large toll on all of us, some may have taken it worse than others. just know that i, and the wonderful wattpad community, are here for you and your gorgeous smiles. keep your chin up, i gotchu.
love you alllll,
smile sunshines~
- raine