
I’m not afraid of being proven wrong, rather it’s the fear of not trying that haunts me. 


do you like waffles? :O


@-astarius- aw. I hope you find your Tiggery! :( 
            I mentioned this turtle story to my best friend so she went out and bought me one on my birthday but I wasn’t aloud to keep it so now she has it and she sends me pictures of it saying I’m still it’s Mom. 


oh em geeeeee i live for stuff animals T^T and your mom be so cool T^T im not good with naming stuffs xD so I have this favourite smol stuffed tiger. I named him tiggery XD he's sooo smol and cute and I miss him T^T I lost him ;~; I think my mom three him away v.v
            turtols are sooo cute tho :O go get a live one :O 


@-astarius- it’s actually a huge pink bear that my parents got for me because they found out I had this obsession with cuddling my pillow at night. It’s bigger than me so it’s perfect. 
            I asked my mom for a turtle. 
            The next day she walks in and throws a stuffed turtle at my face explaining I didn’t elaborate whether I wanted a live or stuffed one.  :/ I named it Beans btw. 