
So sad... My fave couple in LBC end with sad ending story...tincan...still hope it will continue with season 2... Huhuhu...pleaseeee...


I'm still respect you as my ultimate NC ff gave me so much info that maybe i can't swallow it at once... I do respect you. eventhough i'm lil bit disappointed for what you did and make me can't write some comments in your ff as usuall... In my deepest heart i'm still support you... Whoever you are..wherever you are... Glad to know you... Still here if you need me
          Just want to share what inside my mind and my heart about someone... Even though she can't read it... 


Beberapa hari gak buka wp...notif bejibun...
          Maafin E yorobun...nnti bentar mau ronda...ff blm bisa update karena kerjaan lagi numpuk. Maafkan author newbie ini. Apalagi mood lagi swing..wing..wing...boomerang karena liat update2 tentang w1...


Hahaha coba hal yang baru...moga biaa nerusin dan semangat kali ini. For my nielcham❤


@DuoRapperdancer wahaha jdi mayu...pdhl baru bljr jdi penulis. Moga suka yah✌


@ ice_prince_PWJ  semangat semangat ❤, setia menunggu work author nih...


Sometime i feel that... I being use by them...
          am i too soft... too kind... or too dumb
          And i just... Give my Bright smile when they come with all their problem... And will always put  a brighter smile after they left. How pathetic you are E...