@NicoDiAngelo4242 (sorry phone feel and accidently hit send) anyway, I screamed in a raspy voice "IN SCRIPT IT INTO YOUR FLESH!" I have zero clue y I did that but some boy in front if us turn around and gave me a wtf look. Me and my friend busted out laughing. The best part was....my friend had that kid for her class then LMAO
@ih8u-smd ok I thought of 2. Here's one. Back in the my freshmen year of high school me and my friend were walked to class together from choir. We were coming up with a manga/story idea to write. As we were going up the stairs I told my friend "hey this is a good idea you should write it down" she turn to me and says "how! I don't have a pencil and paper!" She was being very dramatic and I obviously did mean this second so my sarcastic a** screamed