@-aleexaandra- to to I to to to to I to to to to to I I don't see there's a a a a a a a thing g you get get know know get get get GG get get GG I get v to VV VV you VV you know how the VV GVC gffsq
You will definitely love it!!
Her other book too is amazing. Check them out !!
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Hiya! @bieberxloving ( love the name )
Mind reading one of my stories and tell me what you think by voting and commenting! Maybe a follow too? It'll mean so much
p.s- I see you're from England! I love it there even though I've never been
Hey I just read your fan fiction and it's a piece of art! I would really appreciate if u checkout my work 'Crystal Clear'. I need advice of inspiring authors like you!!!