heyy guys! ♥
i'm finally back after a loooong time. i've been suffering from writer's block (umm) since a while now. also, i have my board examinations now (basically the most important exam of your schooling time here in india) so i've been studying hard for it. anyways, i'll try to remove some time from my (awfully) busy schedule and write. well, not only for you, but for myself too!
please support me through this, and i swear i won't disappoint you.
also i've noticed some people read and vote for my stories but don't leave their feedback. remember, i write for you too, so your view is really crucial for me to keep writing good content.
lastly, I'VE JUST UPDATED TWO CHAPTERS OF A LARGE SWIRL OF THOUGHTS so please go read, vote and leave a comment if you like them!
until next time, XOXO.