» Hey, my name is Destinee, and here you can peruse my random thoughts and writing drabbles! Hope you enjoy, and forgive the sporadic updates; working and lack of inspiration can be my enemies. 

» If you'd like to see more of my work, check out my Poetizer or Instagram (Link below) both by the names of itwasdestinee! On my Instagram I also post my photography on top of my poetry, so if you're into that, feel free to check it out!!
  • “Do not feel lonely, for you have the universe inside you.”
  • EntrouFebruary 8, 2014


Última mensagem
itwasdestinee itwasdestinee Jan 29, 2020 07:12PM
Hey everyone! Just posted a book that I plan to add all my poetry to, so if you're into that, definitely go check it out! I'll be adding to it as I write! If you'd like to see more of my work, be su...
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História de Destinee
A Pile of Thoughts, de itwasdestinee
A Pile of Thoughts
Just a collection of the poems that I've written and add to as I write them! If you'd like to see more of my...