Living life 2 the fullest

Lovin God
Dont hate on ma page
Teenage girl with dreams
No racism here pls
Proudly African (specifically Nigerian)

Btw if your here it's probably cause of some stupid comment I wrote so why don't u go ahead and follow😙😙
  • somewhere interesting
  • EntrouAugust 22, 2017

Última mensagem
izzilicious100 izzilicious100 Mar 25, 2020 10:48PM
Hello everyone iono if it's a glitch but I'm grateful for it I made it to 4th on inquisitive well it's out of 29 but still that's a lot free chapter 4 u tomorrow 
Ver todas as conversas

Histórias de isabel
Let's Talk About Ophelia , de izzilicious100
Let's Talk About Ophelia
Daniel- the 17 year old ex boyfriend Milie- the so called best friend Rob Kerrick- the creepy guy down the s...
ranking #5 em inquisitive Ver todos os rankings
my cancerous life, de izzilicious100
my cancerous life
if you have a best friend then you'll know how this feels. This is just your typical story two best friends s...
a government driver on his retirement , de izzilicious100
a government driver on his retirem...
just helping a friend out
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