
You know what. I read 3 last chapters of scream s1 last night. After that i also read mtf newest chapter. And. I. Still. Cant. Recover. From. Those books. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN LIKE SCREAM S1 ENDING WAS SO GOOD i can clearly see those scenes happeninbin my head, oh also i finally know why does the book titled scream finally i was wondering all this time ugh. Also for mtf, i can feel u, mark. Uve suffered enough. Its time for u to back off and enjoy urself, until liv is ready and maybe u can get back together or maybe not. Its up to u bro.  But im expecting for liv to beg u to come back ^.^


You know what. I read 3 last chapters of scream s1 last night. After that i also read mtf newest chapter. And. I. Still. Cant. Recover. From. Those books. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN LIKE SCREAM S1 ENDING WAS SO GOOD i can clearly see those scenes happeninbin my head, oh also i finally know why does the book titled scream finally i was wondering all this time ugh. Also for mtf, i can feel u, mark. Uve suffered enough. Its time for u to back off and enjoy urself, until liv is ready and maybe u can get back together or maybe not. Its up to u bro.  But im expecting for liv to beg u to come back ^.^


Oiya kl si bapack yg ada di ava itu bertebaran bgt ya ffnya tapi kadang kesel juga soalnya flirty bangettttt ya gue tau su jaem emg flirty anaknya wkwkwk softie jg tapi tapi tapi au ah dia juga suka berlaku bak krokodil


Sekalian mau kesel. Buku chenle yg bagus susah bgt yaampun nemunya. Ga bahasa ga english bikin esmoshie. Pasblagi baca buku bagus ettt muncul ini anak tapi karakternya org kaya lagi org kaya lagi suara lumba2 lagi suara lumba2 lagi hadehhh capede. Tapi ya gapapa juga sih ya gue tiba2 kepikirin itu para artis kalo baca ff diri sendiri apa ya reaksinya WKWKWKWKWKKWKW ehhh 5sos pernah deng baca tp jiji sendiri hhhh kesian


Hai salam kenal. Maaf mengotori wall-mu. Numpang promosi ya. 
          Jika berkenan mampir yuk ke cerita NOSTALGIA. Siapa tau sesuai selera bacaanmu. Jangan lupa tinggalkan jejak juga ya, karena vote serta komentar darimu selalu ditunggu^^
          Terima kasih (≧∇≦)/


@Meneer_Lee okeee nanti aku bacaaa