Marit here!
"I'm a kite, dancing in a hurricane"

Some things I love:
House MD

Some random things about me:
-I love writing but don't have the discipline to finish stories
-I love reading (avi-ously)
-Chocolate is everything
-I do TVWO (bilingual education)
-I have ADHD but am not like the stereotype
-I'm Dutch
-24 March is my bday

I love talking so you can always send me a PM and it doesn't matter what's it about
(Ik houd van praten dus je kunt me altijd een dm sturen, maakt niet uit waarover)
  • IscrittoJune 8, 2014

Ultimo messaggio
jagerM jagerM Apr 01, 2016 05:24PM
This is too much for my poor fangirl heart.I literally almost cried (I don't really cry so that says something)I WATCHED EPISODE ONE OF THE PTXPERIENCE OF THE UPCOMING TOUR "THE REHEARSALS" AND I'M...
Visualizza tutte le conversazioni

Storie di EvilGrapeJuiceLord
Never Ending Stories di jagerM
Never Ending Stories
In this book I'll post chapters, chapters of random stories that pop into my head but they rarely get a secon...
De grijze jager (Tijdelijk Gestopt) di jagerM
De grijze jager (Tijdelijk Gestopt)
Proloog Wat zou er zijn gebeurd als Alyss niet was gestorven? Zouden Will en Alyss een kind krijgen, op missi...
It wasn't me di jagerM
It wasn't me
Kirstin and Matthew Breeze have everything they can wish for. 2 year old twin boys, loving friends and family...
5 Elenchi di lettura