Shadow Shifts (Liminal Series, Book Two) will be released on April 14, 2016. In celebration of this event, there are a couple things going on. First - there's a giveaway posted on Goodreads. Three print copies of Liminal Lights (Liminal Series, Book One) are up for grabs, all you have to do is enter to win. https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/181703-liminal-lights Second - I'm garnering support for Shadow Shifts through a Thunderclap campaign. It's free & easy, and would mean the world to me if you'd help me out by donating a tweet or Facebook post. thndr.me/xSgHyP And - Shadow Shifts is available for preorder on both Kobo and Amazon - so head on over if you'd like a copy of your very own. getBook.at/ShadowShifts As always, thank for following and reading! Jennfier