I forgot to mention this. When I mentioned at the end of the previous chapter (When the Stars Align) that I'd be posting twice a week, it meant I was posting a re-done version of one of the chapters and a new chapter each week. And an update on the posting-twice-a-week-thing. I think I have to settle on once a week for now meaning a new chapter one week then a redo the other week. This is because I am currently taking a creative writing class and I have to write another story for that class. Both are very time consuming meaning I'll need some time to work on that to create a good story. I apologize on behalf of that. But the class will be over in a couple weeks so I'll try and post twice a week after that. Thank you for your consideration/support. If I don't post twice a week, I'm sorry about that too but I have a lot going on in my life with sports and studying and stuff. Anyways, have a great rest of your day. -Jo :)