
wattpad deleted my diary and I won't be writing another so I'm sorry but I'm just done.


I for forgot to tell you they just took it out of my room! It's mine! ...they afraid I'll go against orders and have someone put me in it! They really think I am that Crazy!i i need a long term care lawer


I star!ted to write, and had to get into bed from the pain of this to big wheel chair! I finally got my little one from my friends garage they lost the cushin so they bought me a new one.so, i am going on a hunger strike v! I will be fasting starting with toning meal.they can't force feed me! So starting tonight i will have one chickenn srip and tea tomorrow just i piece of toast and tea, i take 18 pills in am with food one piece of dry toast after the pills.i can't live like this¡i will keep you posted..... Lery257


This is leroy 257 i am sorry that i haven't written. Insttutonal life is pmmretty horrible!!  I gained weight on their 1290 calorie diet. So id my own 800_1000 calorie diet. They were fighting with me on Letting me use my nice little wheel chair pt said i could use it but 


today was a challenge. I kept breakfast low but they have fried chicken and rice pilaf. try to get a leg or a wing lowest in calories.rice pilaf? I have 2 cups of decaf tea, 1 sugar 15 calories. I hate diet sugars! I try to eat a small amount of what I love. Every day pick and choose I.e. not having carrots with lunch they put margarine on them,if it's on plate I will eat them. the helpers say just leave on plate.I will roll to trash and throw out! crazy struggle!


today was hard, so I ate a little more. 1000 calories. my goal is to only eat 600_700 calories! I feel good at that! I am going to watch " Frozen" and eat organic red pear.one of my friends got me a basket of organic fruits. they add up too,
          but better than candy! candy can set off binge,especially chocolate! I'm in bed and tired, parden my sloppy post.good night!


I hope my version of fasting will help you because of living in an in institution with food like school cafeteria I.e. bad. today I am having just a bowl of soup.if I hate the soup I will have two rice cakes with healthy avocado. I was saving it for new years party here when they will have cake and candy! I f what I'm doing isn't any help towards fasting,let me know, I'd understand! your writing helps me keep going so thank you for that!


@leroy257 I'm pretty sure that your fasting is just fine for me. I can't really completely fast anyway because family dinner is required every night


Yes! I would love to be your fasting buddy, too! I'm living in an institution because I need 24 hour care. I gained weight when I got here because I eat when I feel bad! I have a 300lb friend that visit and bring bags of chocolate and I ate 1/2 bag a night in bed. I know this is far from fasting ,but I am trying to eat less each day until I am fasting I am here about my illness, but they monitor what I eat and weigh.So I'm eating as little as possible.I can't walk or exercise, so that much harder to lose weight (no sympathy, please! it's just what is. I have to look like I'm eating, but I eat Less each day and the less I eat the less hungry I am! Do you find that true?  Marsha,leroy257


@leroy257 well when I eat less I get really proud of myself and then it makes me completely not want to eat at all


I couldn't get on wattpad for a couple of days,I got on just now , maybe Google got me back on line I'm waiting for an it guy who can save me and my iPad! I'm not sure where to find your message. I'm still learning how to use iPad!