
Id like to say that neither of my stories will have this : when characters are speaking I realized there is no point in that and I should just use quotation marks Your Cam's...What? Is all in quotation marks now and no those annoying :. Love yall❤️


Id like to say that neither of my stories will have this : when characters are speaking I realized there is no point in that and I should just use quotation marks Your Cam's...What? Is all in quotation marks now and no those annoying :. Love yall❤️


Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days I've been pretty sick :( but there is a new Chapter or Your Cam's...What? you should read it, I've been working pretty hard on this story, There's also an issue I'd likes to address, yes the main character is Raena something happened and it said the main character is Molly. That's been fixed. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please tell me on the story!! Have an amazing day, love you all! <3