Fandoms include Julie and The Phantoms, MCU, XMen, Shadow and Bone and other things.

Updates for will be alternating between The Shadow Realm and Canis Lupus. I have no set schedule and so they will be sporadic updates.
  • InscritMay 11, 2020

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jynxes_ jynxes_ Sep 06, 2024 05:44PM
‼️ UPDATE ‼️ • The Shadow Wolf Chronicles has been renamed to The Coveted Souls Chronicles• The Umbra Pentalogy has been renamed to The Umbra Series• The Alternative Canon Oneshots will be renamed...
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Histoires par Jynx (They/them)
Alternative - ShadowWolf AUs par jynxes_
Alternative - ShadowWolf AUs
Alternative (adj.) (of one or more things) available as another possibility or choice alternative | shadowwol...
The Shadow Realm | L. Laufeyson [2] par jynxes_
The Shadow Realm | L. Laufeyson [2]
"To parent as you do would be to parent Death." "Be careful how you speak, your mercy is in my...
In The Shadows | L. Laufeyson [1] par jynxes_
In The Shadows | L. Laufeyson [1]
"Why should I trust you?" "Because you cannot run from a shadow, but you can ask it to dance...
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