I'll read anything that's recommended to me so don't be hesitate to advertise your story on my bored or as a comment in my story. I admire that someone is confident enough to do that but I do know that it tics a lot of writers off

I'm Kaitlyn but only the people in my family call me Kaity. Don't know why I chose it as a username... its probably because I was 'home' sick at the time... or just moving sick. I created this account so that I can practice writing and grammar (I've gotten better at both.) English is my second language... American was my first.(< I'll explain if you want)

making hot chocolate
being idiotic
slaughtering (I don't even think I spelled that right) the English language with my terrible grammar
  • 'Murica
  • انضمJuly 24, 2012

الرسالة الأخيرة
kaitysue kaitysue Aug 12, 2014 10:19PM
@LilRoxyBlue omg! Can't wait to read it!
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قصص بقلم kaitlyn
Covered in Ashes (book 2 of Fighting the Flames) بقلم kaitysue
Covered in Ashes (book 2 of Fighti...
Book 2 of Fighting the Flames, co-written by @ManeshaRam In a typical story about dragons, nights, and damsel...
Fighting the Flames (complete) بقلم kaitysue
Fighting the Flames (complete)
A low rumble come from accost the spring, freezing me in my tracks. slowly, I turned around not wanting to ma...
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