"I don't understand. My daughter wants false eyelashes, but is she not terrified that the glue might go in her eyes? I take vision very seriously, and I want to tell her I forbid this cosmetic crap." // Here's a random RP drop :)
"As I said, I take vision very seriously. I don't think she needs them because it's an unnecessary risk to her eyesight all in the pointless pursuit of looking... pretty?" He frowned, turning his head slightly to look at Wilbur, "Yes, I am her dad. I think my opinion matters. Glue in the eye sounds horrid."
[ @-goldenghost ] "Why don'tcha?" Wilbur asked lazily, a little sympathetic but clearly not trying too hard. This wasn't exactly his area of expertise. "I mean, it's her decision, I dunno. I've never worn false eyelashes. You're her dad, anyway."