
Hello everyone, sorry about not posting for a while. However, I'm wanting to rewrite a story of my and I don't know what story to do. Could you please help me with what one to choses?


hi @Kenzhop can i ask you something


no I don't


do you have an update scedual? i really like your stories by the way


I was making a puppet of Birdtale Sans or Raven Sans (I hadn't decided yet) and hummed a tune under my breath. Ink and I had a deal. 
          He'd make and AU, and I'd destroy an Au.
          Once a week.
          It was fun. I had more free time on my hands but Ink was probably keeping an eye on me. "Just in case".
          Once I was done with the puppet I put it up with the others. The souls of the humans glimmer in the white of the anti-void. Then the voices started.
          Stupid glitch. Why are you doing nothing? Get up! D E S T R O Y!
          Just die.
          Do your damn job, you pathetic bag of bones.
          Huh. The voices are louder today. I left the anti-void and stepped into Outertale, taking my favourite place there. I looked up at the stars, small glimmers that danced and swirled around with each other. I was mesmerised by the show.
          Something hard smashed into the back of my skull.
          Everything was black before I could hit the ground.