helllo there :)
i was just wandering if you could
check out one of my stories?
the first one is callled, 'Medony'
&& its about a girl who has to choose
between a totally hot jerk + a sweet
mysterious guy (;<
the other is called, 'i want you to want me '
&& its about a girl who recently gets out of coma
+ meets a totally hot bad ass ;; (:
last but not least is called,
‘World War Three –battle field of love -’
& its about a girl who falls for a guy
but world war three takes the best of them : )
<3 i hope you give them a go,
but if you don't want to or don't have time
don't fret, because i COMPLETELY understand (:
thanks for reading this message, :)
take care!
wendyandpeterpan (: