
Hello. Did you miss me? I’m editing and re uploading kitty love. I was unsatisfied with many things so I’m fixing it to my liking. I’ll be writing other stories too so it may or may not take a while to upload the whole thing. I have a life too tho so I’ll get it up as soon as possible! <3


it’s gonna be amazing 



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Hey there lovely author nim!! I was waiting for you to update "kitty love". But it says it already finished and then you said you were currently editing it,so I was in a huge confushhhhhion... I hope you do continue it tho, it was my fav plus you know I won't be able to sleep if tht shit ain't finished meanwhile I'm confused .. 
          Have a nice day and of course wish you update it❤️❤️


Hello. Did you miss me? I’m editing and re uploading kitty love. I was unsatisfied with many things so I’m fixing it to my liking. I’ll be writing other stories too so it may or may not take a while to upload the whole thing. I have a life too tho so I’ll get it up as soon as possible! <3


it’s gonna be amazing 


Love the story of Kitty Love and I do hope that I could read it again and somehow I can not forget every part of it like it has been stock in my mind and I luv u Author-nim for an amazing book of yours keep your amazing work on going and again I do hope could read it once more thank you God bless 


what happened to kitty love


omg that’s so sweet i might just edit it and put it back up. i do like the story just not some of the thing written yk. we’ll see tho thank you for your support❤️❤️


it was the first ever story i read on here nd i just couldn’t stop reading it i love it sm 


your favorite? really????? i didn’t think it was that good after a while but thank you sm! <3