
✶ A Damon Salvatore edit showed up on my fyp so I went into the comments, right?
          	✶ Tell me why I saw “Only Man I’d choose over the bear”. There are so many people agreeing with this comment guys. 
          	✶ And for those that brought up how he treated women, people replied with “I don’t care” or “It’s a show” or “Yeah but he wouldn’t do me like that” or “Mm still hot” or “Wow [emojis] you mean the serial killers bloodsuckers were abusive??? How shocking you guys”.
          	✶ Some of these people are so delusional, they aren’t Elena or Katherine so instantly he won’t even care, and the fact that they demoted a real-life issue to “just being a show” or “I don’t care” is callous.
          	✶ The last one just shows how braindead some of these people are they were trying to be sarcastic but really showed how fcking stupid they are if you could say something like that as a defense to someone telling the original commenter that Damon isn’t a man they should choose over the bear. 
          	✶ Like we already know they aren’t good people, so why would you choose him over the bear?
          	✶ And someone also brought up Stefan out of nowhere like he was relevant to the equation. It’s a Damon edit where they were commenting on Damon, ain’t nobody said anything pertaining to the other brother or how he was better like tf?


✶ A Damon Salvatore edit showed up on my fyp so I went into the comments, right?
          ✶ Tell me why I saw “Only Man I’d choose over the bear”. There are so many people agreeing with this comment guys. 
          ✶ And for those that brought up how he treated women, people replied with “I don’t care” or “It’s a show” or “Yeah but he wouldn’t do me like that” or “Mm still hot” or “Wow [emojis] you mean the serial killers bloodsuckers were abusive??? How shocking you guys”.
          ✶ Some of these people are so delusional, they aren’t Elena or Katherine so instantly he won’t even care, and the fact that they demoted a real-life issue to “just being a show” or “I don’t care” is callous.
          ✶ The last one just shows how braindead some of these people are they were trying to be sarcastic but really showed how fcking stupid they are if you could say something like that as a defense to someone telling the original commenter that Damon isn’t a man they should choose over the bear. 
          ✶ Like we already know they aren’t good people, so why would you choose him over the bear?
          ✶ And someone also brought up Stefan out of nowhere like he was relevant to the equation. It’s a Damon edit where they were commenting on Damon, ain’t nobody said anything pertaining to the other brother or how he was better like tf?


✶ I’ll be posting the Introduction of one of my stories tomorrow, so keep an eye on an update.
          ✶ I’m trying to vary the books I’ll be posting, but I still have many things to rewatch/research before I’ll even get to writing, so give me a little grace.
          ✶ Aside from my books, I’ll be posting some plot ideas as well around Wednesday at the latest. 


✶ After hearing what happens in the new episode of HOTD, I’m officially revoking my viewing privileges. It’s fulltime F&B fr this time, ‘cause wtf did I just learn.
          ✶ I don’t even like Daemon but WTF!!!


✶ I am really praying for the reaction girlies who wanna include Season 2 of HOTD in their reaction book, ‘cause it’s wild!! 
            ✶ And I haven’t seen the episode yet! This is all from what I got on TikTok.


this message may be offensive
✶ It really pisses me off when people try to use the fact that Tony Stark creates a lot of his villains as a way to hate him.
          ✶ Like of course he created them, it’s not like someone can make everyone they make 100% happy all the time. 
          ✶ Like you’re forgetting that before and during IM1 Tony was a totaly asshole before reality hit his ass, and the fact that he’s a well-known genius makes him meet even more people than the average person and absolutely make enemies in them.
          ✶ So now that he’s a recognized hero it makes those enemies want to ruin him even more.
          ✶ So why the hell are you blaming him for the actions these enemies make? Have you forgotten that they are also adults and are responsible for their actions as well? Have you forgotten that Tony doesn’t have future vision and can’t possibly predict everything they’re going to do?
          ✶ Yes, it’s sad that these enemies hurt our favorite characters because of something Tony did but you forget that Tony wasn’t the one holding their hands while they were doing these actions.
          This was a response to this comment I found on reddit: 
          “I just think he caused a lot of the MCU’s problems. He created the weapons that were sold too the ten rings. He also created most of his own villains. He created Ultron, he made the Maximoffs hate him. He caused Killian to be a villain. He was the main reason why the Civil War started. He then made all of MCU Spider-Man’s villains. He screwed over the Vulture and most of his employees and that caused Peter’s life to go down the drain and his identity to be revealed. He also had the audacity to blame Steve Rogers for making the Avengers break up even though a few movies before Civil War a lot of the Government was controlled by HYDRA.”


            I agree with all that you have said 100%. That whole comment on Reddit had me seething enough that now I’m rewatching the MCU just to debunk them.
            And don’t get me started on the Maximoffs and Civil War, it's bad enough that Natasha Romanoff was used as eye candy for the entirety of AoU. 
            And Steve’s hypocritical “sometimes my teammates don’t tell me things” when he couldn’t even tell Tony about his parent’s death not being an accident, but cold murder because of “poor bucky”. 


I swear it's like Anti-Tony Stark stans didn't watch the same movies :/


I hate it when people blame Tony for what the Maximoff twins CHOSE to do... and for Civil War?! Like wasn't Tony the only one who wanted to do things peacefully? Everyone else was jumping to fight each other. Even Bucky wanted to just be left alone but Steve (as much as I love Steve) was 100% to blame for about 90% of what happened in Civil War


✶ Spoilers for those that haven’t watched HOTD or the new episodes of the new season!


✶ It’s gonna be F&B for me bcs I can’t stand watching my girls and the dragons dying before my eyes so I’m just gonna read it.


✶ Rhaenys is dead now.
            ✶ Guess who’s not watching the rest of the episodes!!