
Hey guys, looks like my next update will be next Tuesday. I finally have a day off where I can sit down and write! Yay! Hope you all don't mind that I couldn't update this week. 
          	Talk to you soon,


Thank you so much for the follow! And do you have any  tips for keeping an update schedule?
           I honestly suck at it so any advice would be great.


@klusk1135 So THAT'S when the Hot List starts. Now I know. :) Thanks.


@Wolf_Vos_Normandy Lol I usually aim for Friday because that's when the hot list is updated. Updating then helps raise your rank so others will see your work. Aside from that, I usually update one chapter per week and two if possible. If you update more than once then you should update once during the early week and one on Friday. 
            I'm a bit of a procrastinator myself so I have to set a day and stick with it! lol. :)
            You're welcome for the follow! Hope this helps.


Thanks for the follow, any reason for it? :) Cap'n


@klusk1135 That's not a bad idea, problem is people need to have at least 6 chapters for that to work. As far as I know, a good number don't have that many written.


@CaptainSarcastic101 You know I actually thought about asking Kate if, since we have two weeks now, that it be optional to do six chapters with our partners and gain bonus points for each additional chapter completed. What do you think?


@klusk1135 Oh yeah! :) It's a shame they can't continue it for every week instead of every two weeks. I'm thinking about joining a second group just to keep me busy but I don't know of any. Yeah, I can't write long and detailed comments.


Hey guys! 
          Just uploaded two new chapters of Destiny!!! Be sure to check them out, vote, and comment if you like them. Also, tomorrow I will be working on an updated version of chapter two so that, hopefully, I will be able to upload it. 
          Hope you all are having a wonderful Thursday. The weekend is almost here!!


Hello all!
          Just put up the updated version of Chapter One: A Changing World. As promised, there are no major plot changes or details that will be a big deal to have missed if you choose not to go back and re-read the chapter. That said, now that I have updated I chose to include a great deal more description and took out a few paragraphs that I felt caused the chapter to drag on a bit. 
          There is also a little more dialogue in the chapter. As well, I have improved the tone and made it a little scarier to suit the "invasion" atmosphere.
          For those of you who would like to go back and read feel free to do so. I appreciate any feedback you are willing to give and look forward to hearing from you. Also, feel free to let me know if I've made any grammatical errors. This updated version should be completely free of errors and if it isn't,  I would like to change it so that it is. :)
          *Fingers crossed* I am hoping to be able to work on Chapter Seventeen: Letters Addressed to Home on Friday night, but if I'm not able to get to it then I will get to it next week. 
          Thank you for all your support of Destiny! I couldn't be where I am as an author without your suggestions, and honest opinions. Your votes and comments are what keep me writing! 
          Talk to you soon!


I got it up you guys! Chapter Sixteen: What Could Be Worse is now available and it's awesome!! I was only able to get one chapter, but I truly think it will be well worth the wait for the next one. 
          Check out Chapter Sixteen and let me know what you guys think. I'm still working on updates for earlier chapters, and I hope to be able to get up chapter seventeen before the end of the week! 
          Talk to you guys soon!


Hello all! I hope your new year is off to a fabulous start. I wanted to let you guys know that I haven't forgotten about you, or Destiny, but I'm not going to be able to upload again this week. With everything going on in my personal life I just haven't had time to sit down and write. 
          However, next Monday I am going to have a bit of free time, and I plan to sit down and write then. With that said, look for the next chapter or two next Monday :). 
          Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I am going to be making some changes to Destiny's chapter layout, length, and some descriptive content. As I continue to work on the book, I hope you will agree that the improvements are for the better. Don't worry though, for those of you who've been reading a while none of the content or plot info will change. I simply want to focus on making each chapter a little more loaded, spread out the information we have learned a bit more tactfully, and do so in a descriptive chapter that doesn't venture beyond 3,000 words. 
          I know it's been a while, and I know you guys want the next chapter, so I am going to do everything I can to get it up on Monday. Thanks for understanding you guys. 
          Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming changes. 
          Talk to you soon.