
          	Firstly, I just wanna wish everyone a Happy New Year. This year was a conflicting one for me, because it had a lot of high moments but also some pretty low moments, so Iā€™m hoping 2025 will be mostly positive.
          	Secondly, I want to apologize for not being able to uphold my promise. I wish I had an excuse like I was sick or depressed, but really Iā€™ve been terrified to write anything. I donā€™t know why this has been happening to me. It never used to for years. Now, Iā€™m lucky if I can get 100 words written in the span of an entire week!
          	I donā€™t know if itā€™s writers block or if thereā€™s some mental problem Iā€™m not aware of, but Iā€™m gonna try to do better next year. Iā€™m not gonna make any promises for specific dates, since I havenā€™t been good with making good on those recently. I just wanted you all to know I havenā€™t given up.
          	Againā€¦ HAPPY NEW YEAR!


          Firstly, I just wanna wish everyone a Happy New Year. This year was a conflicting one for me, because it had a lot of high moments but also some pretty low moments, so Iā€™m hoping 2025 will be mostly positive.
          Secondly, I want to apologize for not being able to uphold my promise. I wish I had an excuse like I was sick or depressed, but really Iā€™ve been terrified to write anything. I donā€™t know why this has been happening to me. It never used to for years. Now, Iā€™m lucky if I can get 100 words written in the span of an entire week!
          I donā€™t know if itā€™s writers block or if thereā€™s some mental problem Iā€™m not aware of, but Iā€™m gonna try to do better next year. Iā€™m not gonna make any promises for specific dates, since I havenā€™t been good with making good on those recently. I just wanted you all to know I havenā€™t given up.
          Againā€¦ HAPPY NEW YEAR!


I know that itā€™s been a while since I uploaded a new chapter for anything. Life has been throwing me curveball after curveball after curveballā€¦ AFTER CURVEBALLā€¦ but I think Iā€™ve almost reached freedom, so hopefully Iā€™ll be able to upload something either this month or next month. 


@kxvann8 Excellent! Looking forward to it!


Alright, that stage has finally left me. But just because Iā€™m no longer in a depressing mood, it doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m fully back to 100%. I lost the spark I was riding before the depression hit so I need to wait until that returns. 
          I wonā€™t make any promises of still releasing the chapters at the date I set. They may get delayed a little. Iā€™ll update you as soon as I know for certain. 
          Also, Iā€™m very sorry. 


            Can't wait to read them


            Iā€™ve had some other story ideas for a long time


            No problem, so any new story idea's?


I should have said this sooner but I was too concerned with finishing up the current chapter that Iā€™m writing. If I donā€™t say something now then I might not for a while longer.
          I did not intend to break my promise. For that I am sorry. If this makes up for even a little, Iā€™ve been been continuing to work on this current chapter for whatever time I can. The other day I wrote over a thousand words but I canā€™t seem to find the right place to end the chapter. I want this chapter to be one of the longest (maybe THE longest) chapters Iā€™ve written because I think itā€™s unfair how long Iā€™ve made each of you wait for a new release. 
          Iā€™m really hoping to publish the newest chapter soon. 


After I posted the recent chapter of my Secret Class fanfic, I planned on posting the next one a week after but obviously things didnā€™t go that route. Iā€™ve been busy looking for a new job. Also, I really want to get this next chapter right because this is going to be really really important for the rest of the story. 
          I may post it towards the very end of this month or the beginning of next month. Fingers crossed  


Nope, thatā€™s not possible.
            Sorry but I gotta go, very busy


*we not he


            I donā€™t know if he can still make private messages 


Okā€¦ first off I just wanna say Iā€™m really sorry for saying in my last post that the wait was almost over before I completely dropped off the face of the earth. I donā€™t want to make excuses. The truth is I was really stressed and my anxiety was so high that I had to just drop everything. I didnā€™t mean to leave you all hanging for so long. There were so many times I wanted to get back to things, but I was scared that I would just mess things up. 
          Now, after weeks of nothing but time to think, I am finally getting back to things. I actually started writing last week but a bunch of annoying stuff happened and delayed my progress. But thatā€™s all over now and Iā€™m completely free again. 
          Once again, Iā€™m really sorry for leaving you all hanging like that. I hope to be more responsible in the future.


Ok so I was originally gonna end the first volume at 25 chapters but, due to my wanting to take a break sooner and the app getting on my nerves recently, Iā€™m shortening it to 20 chapters. Thatā€™ll probably make it easier for me to write longer chapters and not get too stressed with the amount. I promise the wait is almost over.