Hi if anyone see this massage could you help me find this stories? I forget the title. 1. Its a world where females are domminant and males are submisive. Both females and males in school are taught how to be a good dom and sub in school. Its story about female teacher who later take the role of partner to her student because the student' s partner are treating him badly. 2. The boy works in bar/club/something and then he meet the dom woman. He loves her so much but something happened n they part away. When the woman came to his house/watch in news (i forgot) she found that the boy has had hang himself. 3. This story had 13 chapters or so when it gone from my library. It's about girl who transfer school then meet a rich boy who everyone scared of because they suspect him for push someone to their dead in the school hall. He is secretly a sub. 'I can handle pain very well' or something . In the last chapter the girl n the boy are on their way to the boy's house to do school project where the boy struggle to put seatbelt then helped by the girl. Well if you now the title please make a comment.