Are you in my bed DID YOU TAKE MY LIFE!? DONT TAKE MY SOUL are you my bed .... Bleed me out hang me to try rainrain drop drop going insane beopbeopbeopbeop break my bones taste my lust change your mind your buried mine I can't breath dust in my eyes I need air finnaly suck air please will you...kms will kms will kms bleed me out to die going insane blah blah blah die SOUL falling apart going insane boom boom don't you miss me when I googled bleep bleep don't you miss me when I'm GONEEEEEEE mememememememememememememememememe beat beat dab.....bitch your the fucking reason that I'm not around...daduh
@ashlynisprettycool tagged me in a thingy so here's we goes
1. do you like someone? yes
2. do they like you? you should ask his boyfriend that
3. middle name? Martinez
4. my fake boyfriend (longgggg story)
5. Um Chagga Lagga -Pixies
6. 48%
7. K
8. F
9. K and B (my irl homies)
10. because i constantly crave attention and this will get me it
11. the day before Ryan Ross's birthday
do this if you wish :)