
Someone give me good Hamilton fics that aren't x reader please. I've read all the good ones and I can't find any. Preferably Lams or things with a lot of pain + suffering. 


@laurenlovescats5 Ok, so I'm not here to say I'll read the book, cuz I probably won't tbh, but I still think you should post it. Doing a SetoSolace book will bring a slightly different audience than the one you have already. You don't have to rely on the audience you already have from your followers. If you post it, people will read it, I guarantee, even if it has a bit of a slower start. :)


@Naomi334 Aw, thank you for saying so. I think I might post the first part tomorrow, if I finish reading over it and correcting any mistakes. 


Hey, if I posted a SetoSolace book, would anyone read it? I have two chapters already and I was wondering if I should share it. 


Would ANYONE care if I ever posted something ever again?


Just wondering, have you ever heard of the Ranger's Apprentice series? Or the Brotherband Chronicles? Or the Kane Chronicles? Or the 39 Clues? Or the Phantom of the Opera? Or...sorry...I'll shut up now...


@HiddenRanger202  I've read the Ranger's Apprentice series, And the Kane Chronicles, and I've heard of the Brotherband Chronicles and 39 Clues.
            'kay bye.